Tennessee Man Fathers 30 Children By 11 Women, Now Wants Child Support Help From State

PHOTO: Desmond Hatchett father of 30 kids by 11 mothers - Knoxville, TN

A 33 year old Tennessee man, by the name of Desmond Hatchett, based out of Knoxville, Tennessee has fathered 30 kids by 11 different women and is now asking the courts for child support help from the state.

According to WREG, Hatchett only has a minimum wage job, which he gives half of his paycheck to the state, so he only pays some of his baby mamas as little as $1.49 per month in child support.

This is definitely not the first time Hatchett has been in court for his numerous children. Hatchett was in court in 2009, when he had 21 children.

Many people online have responded to the story of Desmond Hatchett. Some people feel Hatchett and the women in the case, should have been using preventative birth control methods, while some say Hatchett should simply have looked into maybe a vasectomy.

Desmond Hatchett hasn’t broken any laws so there’s not much the state can do, although, many people are saying there should be something done to prevent cases such as these.

PHOTO: Desmond Hatchett father of 30 kids by 11 mothers - Knoxville, TN


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